Really excited to see you dig into all this with Roxy. My upbringing were late-00’s, so getting into the “scary Obama years” while trying to figure out faith stuff was real weird as I look back on it now.

Also, don’t sell yourself short - always enjoyed you being on the Relevant podcasts, as well as all the Cape Town episodes. Glad to hear you again on something else!

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“America’s white churches, sensing the existential malaise that only comes from having all but the very top of Maslow’s Hierarchy slaked“ <this is really something! well said.

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Really enjoying the new podcast so far. I started listening to Saved by the City a while ago and really enjoy Roxy and Katelyn so this one just popped into my feed so I gave it a try. Will keep listening.

I'm not sure how many of the books I will have read but I still enjoy the commentary. I was familiar with Miller and Blue Like Jazz when it came out but never read it. I did read Wild At Heart but honestly don't recall that much about it. It's a nice trip down memory lane!

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thanks! my general vibe going in is that most of our listeners will have heard of these books, but either haven’t read them or read them too long ago to be *really* familiar, so hopefully we’re still able to deliver something interesting for you.

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